Author Archives: Victoria VanTol

Victoria VanTol

Victoria VanTol


Victoria VanTol holds a master's degree in social work. She is a therapist and freelance writer specializing in topics related to social justice and mental health.

street psychiatry and healthcare services

How Street Psychiatry Helps Homeless People with Serious Mental Illness

helping homeless people

Empathy and Advocacy Are Key to Ending Homelessness

Homelessness discussion

How to Counter Hate and Prejudice Against Homeless People

Generational Poverty

How Generational Poverty Exacerbates Homelessness

homeless man putting on a mask

Why Did it Take COVID-19 to Make Us Have Compassion for Homeless People?

Homeless families reclaim homes in El Sereno

Homeless Families ‘Reclaiming Our Homes’ Shine Light on US Housing Crisis

Homeless camp San Pablo W Grant Oakland California

Oakland’s New Encampment Management Policy Creates Lose-Lose Situation for Homeless Residents

Elderly homeless woman

Elderly and Homeless: America’s Next Housing Crisis

undocumented immigrants

What’s it Like to be Undocumented and Homeless?

man receives eviction notice

What to Do if You Receive an Eviction Notice

man holds homeless and hungry sign

Why is Violence Against Homeless People on the Rise?

houston skyline

Houston Struggles with High Rates of Housing Insecurity

west coast homelessness

Why is Homelessness Such a Problem on the West Coast?

boy holds cardboard house in hands

New Report Shows Housing Was Bleak Even Before COVID-19

Homeless man sits on side of road asking for help

Homelessness Is a Public Health Issue

homeless man being shown compassion

Why Do Homeless People with Mental Issues Stop Taking Their Medication?

homeless woman drinks from a bottle of water in Phoenix, AZ

Homeless People Face Deadly Heat as COVID-19 Keeps Places of Refuge Closed

homeless man holds a sign

Why Do People Choose to Be Homeless?