Author Archives: Wendy Adamson

Wendy Adamson

Wendy Adamson


With over two decades of experience in the field of mental health and substance abuse treatment, Wendy Adamson possesses a deep understanding of mental illness and the recovery process as well. She has held many positions throughout her career, but currently is working at Polaris Teen Center helping adolescents find a safe place to heal from trauma. For the past seven years, Wendy has also headed up Business Development for her son’s nonprofit, Hav A Sole, an organization that delivers high quality sneakers to homeless people and marginalized youth. As a published author, Wendy has two books, Mother Load and Incorrigible where she documents her own struggles with addiction and the long arduous journey of healing and repair that came after getting sober.

youth in foster care

Foster Youth Lack the Support and Resources Needed to Avoid Homelessness

homeless man trying on shoes

We Must Stop Looking the Other Way When Confronted with Homelessness