Tiny Homes Will Not End Homelessness – Community First! Village Will.

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Seems like it’s only been a moment since Alan Graham first invited me to Austin to see the amazing work he is doing. Since then, I have visited Mobile Loaves & Fishes more than any other nonprofit homeless services. The reason for that is simple: Alan and his team place people first!

Over the years I have helped share the story of his mobile food trucks going out giving our homeless friends the dignity of choice. I helped share about his Street Treats program that gives our homeless friends a viable way to make some real money as street vendors. But from day one I probably talked more about Alan’s work in rapid housing people in RVs, so it is so amazing to see his Community First! Village vision become a reality.

Like Housing First, the topic of Tiny Homes has become sexy, but neither will work without support services and positive tangible social interactions. Community and social networks often play the biggest role in any of our lives, and that’s especially true when people are going through a drastic life change like a street to home.

This week I was honored to be invited to Mobile Loaves & Fishes Community First! Village’s groundbreaking. I have known Alan for 5 years now and this vision has been in his heart for over a decade. Each year, when I visited Alan, would show me a new map or a new model home and tell me all the progress and struggles he’s had trying to make this vision happen.

There is no perfect solution to ending homelessness. It’s as complex an issue as we are humans. I do strongly believe that the more we can give people dignity, the power of choice, and genuine community the better we’ll be able to offer solutions that will have an impact. Here is a video that showcases Community First! Village that I hope you’ll share with your networks.

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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