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DeShay was in college, and because a freak accident and all his stuff being stolen, he moved back in with his mom. That living situation was 15 people living in a one-bedroom apartment. DeShay then started to go house to house couch surfing.

DeShay was lucky. The RE*Generation House was being remodeled and Sasha Bruce Youthworks had some space in another program until it was finished. The RE*Generation House is a partnership with the Sasha Bruce Youthworks, one of the largest and most experienced providers of services to youth in Washington, DC. Young adults going through the transitional program receive the support needed to rebuild their lives.

DeShay dreams of becoming a bio-medical engineer, and because of your support of Virgin Mobile’s RE*Generation House, DeShay may be the person that cures AIDS.

This Invisible People road trip is made possible by  Sevenly and Virgin Mobile USA, who are partnering to end youth homelessness through Virgin Mobile USA’s initiative, RE*Generation. For more information please click here.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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