Kymberli and B

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I first met Kymberli when she was bringing her dirty dishes in a small children’s wagon to a water hose to clean. The reality of living out on the streets or in a tent encampment is till homeless. Imagine day after day living without indoor plumbing for hygiene, cleaning and simply to quench a thirst.

Kymberli and B have been married for fifteen years. They were caregivers for Kymberli’s father who lived around the corner from the house they rented. When Kymberli’s father passed away, the couple moved into the house which was owned by Kymberli’s uncle who then died a few weeks later. Like most areas anymore, skyrocketing rent caused by a lack of affordable housing is creating greedy landlords. The rent for the house was going up to $2,500 and that was more than they could afford.

Kymberli and B first lived in their car. They then lived in a vacant lot. Kymberli and B now live in a tent community in Oakland, California. The couple built a little shack. They have a generator they run for lights and to power for a TV. But there is no water or bathrooms and little security. B says when they leave, they don’t know if their stuff will be there when they return.

Kymberli and B are working hard to get out of homelessness. They started a landscaping business. Now that their car broke down, they use bicycles to tow their lawn mowers. If you’d like to help Kymberli and B get their car repaired or help them purchase a commercial vehicle for their landscaping business, click here.

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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