Jody and Phillip

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Jody lives in her car, while her 19-year-old son Phillip lives in a shelter in St. Paul, Minnesota. After being unfairly evicted from her apartment, she sold all she had to buy a car to live in.

As I was giving out socks, Phillip approached me. His shoes have holes all the way through, so he is unable to keep his socks from wearing out. That’s how I entered into my conversation with these two. Thanks to Hanes I was able to help with much-needed socks

Their three wishes are simple—an apartment, a job, and car repairs.

We don’t often consider that the face of homelessness starts young. I hope to meet Phillip again one day with a story of success and victory rather than perpetual homelessness.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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