I first met Rule in Washington DC a few months back. He was invited by a homeless youth organization to speak to legislators. Rule is actually homeless in Venice, California. After the first interview, we stayed in touch. Since I was visiting Los Angeles, I asked him for an update.
Rule has been homeless since the age of 13. He is now 22. Rule has slept outside, in abandoned buildings, on couches, on trains, on buses, and hotel rooms. He says he has experienced every type of homelessness.
Rule starts off by sharing he is looking for an apartment. Like many people facing the crisis of homelessness, Rule likes to dream big and to focus on the possibilities. There are a few organizations that may be able to help subsidize the cost of a place to stay, but the lack of affordable housing and the unwillingness of landlords to work with nonprofits and homeless people continue to be a roadblock to housing.
Many people commented on Rule’s first interview that he just needs to get a job. Please listen to Rule’s response when I asked him about this.