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Yes, I too am guilty of stereotyping homeless people. I almost didn’t talk to Sylvester. From a distance, he looked a little “unstable”. After a morning of making new friends in Atlanta, I had one pair of socks left. I started to cross the street so I would not have to pass him, yet became conscious of what I was doing so I walked back. I didn’t plan on rolling the camera. I was simply going to give him the last pair of socks and move on.

Sylvester’s story is one of the reasons exists. His story is powerful. When I walked away I was in tears. Off camera, Sylvester told me he was raped at 15 by the group leader of the foster home he was living in. I felt his pain.

Sylvester describes discrimination on the streets. He looks right into the camera and asks “what makes you better than me?”

Please watch this powerful interview.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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