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This may be the most candid and honest interview about addictions so far. I have lots of respect for Cameron for having the courage to be so real about his drug abuse in this interview.

I met Cameron in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. He was homeless in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side and then moved to Fort McMurray, and of course, Cameron’s addictions moved with him.

Fort McMurray is experiencing explosive growth and the community seems to be doing its best to catch up to that growth. As in most communities, social services is last to receive needed attention. Cameron says he is going to move back to Vancouver where there is help for his addictions.

About 50 feet to the right of us is a dumpster that Cameron’s girlfriend fell asleep in while on drugs. The garbage truck came and took the contents to the dump. His girlfriend was never seen again and is presumed dead. This was a documented tragedy and not something Cameron made up. The couple, while living in a tent, was even featured in a National Geographic photo about the Canadian ‘boomtown’.

Cameron wants to stop using drugs, but the drugs that he is addicted to are not easy to kick. He needs help. I hope you watch to the end as his three wishes messed me up.

In this interview, Cameron talks about drugs and addictions, lack of solutions, being “dope sick”, and even the prison system and his costs to society. This is a very powerful interview that I hope will open the eyes of many.

Special thanks to Centre of Hope

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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