Health care


Preventable Amputations, Part 3: Homeless Kensington Residents Face Systemic Neglect


Preventable Amputations, Part 2: How Bias in Medicine Fails Kensington’s Homeless Community

preventable amputations

23 and Amputated: Ignorance in Treating Kensington’s Homeless Drug Users

ER Visits

How 1.4 Million ER Visits Show a Broken System for Homeless People

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What Is the Urban Heat Island Effect and How Does it Hurt Homeless People?

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The Surprising Reasons Some Homeless Mental Health Patients Self-Medicate

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When Homelessness Overburdens Hospitals, Taxpayers End Up with the Bill

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Housing is Healthcare: The Critical Link Between Housing and Breast Cancer Survival

Breast Cancer Screening

Homeless People Lack Access to Breast Cancer Screening, ASCO Study Finds

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Health Care Plan Prescribes Housing as a ‘Cure for Homelessness’

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Homelessness is Prematurely Aging People

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How Much is a Lack of Affordable Housing Costing Us in Healthcare?

Abortion Access

Roe Will Hurt Those Who Already Face the Most Systematic Discrimination

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Housing Is Healthcare

Supreme Court Overturns Roe, impact on homeless people

End of Roe Could Further Endanger Pregnant Women Experiencing Homelessness

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Listen Up: Homelessness and Hearing Impairment

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Ancient Diseases Plague Canada’s Homeless Communities

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Awaiting Final Decision on California’s Groundbreaking Street Medicine Bill