
HUD PIT Count - Homeless data

The PIT Count’s Pitfalls: Rethinking Homelessness Data

Homeward Bound programs for homeless people

San Francisco Sending Homeless People Anywhere But Here

one in 50 people in London is homeless

One in Fifty: London’s Startling Homelessness Statistic Uncovered

State of Homelessness in America

Homelessness by the Numbers

Homelessness is increasing according to latest point-in-time count

Point-In-Time Count Shows Homelessness Increased 12% in 2023

Housing is a Human Right

U.S. Fails to Meet International Human Right to Housing Standards

Homeless Dire Needs List

What Is the Homeless Dire Needs List?

homeless veteran

Survey Shows Need for Better Data Gathering Methods for Homeless Veterans

Skid Row homeless People in LA

National Implications of LA’s Homeless PIT Count are Bleak

homeless in British Columbia

Did British Columbia Uncover a More Accurate Way to Quantify Homelessness?

lack of affordable housing

Half of Americans Say Housing Affordability Is a Major Problem in Their Community

Mayors impact on homelessness

What Do America’s Mayors Think About Homelessness?


When Egocentrism Meets Stereotype Bias

number of unsheltered homeless

We Cannot End Homelessness Without Accurate Data

Homeless Surveillance System

Homeless Surveillance Systems: Privacy Breach, Possible Solution, or Both?

A Conversation on Data in Homeless Services

Google Hangout: Conversation on Data in Homeless Services