Art and Music

Lando Ali showcases his artwork through art programs at The Denver Voice

From Homelessness to Hope: The Transformative Power of Art Programs

Homeless Artist's Pop-up Street Gallery in Los Angeles


Carl Dukes

Beats and bars: Making Music About Homelessness After Incarceration

Voices of Our City

Amid the Deadly Pandemic, a Homeless Choir Amplifies the Message of Hope

Man holding his head frustrated

Where Can You Do Basic Things As A Homeless Person in the UK?

Street Photographer Suitcase Joe

Street Photographer Suitcase Joe Captures the Unfiltered Beauty of Skid Row

Street Musician and Homeless in San Diego Glen Pops Freeman Sings to Us

Glen Pops Freeman

With One Voice in Montreal Art and Music Helping Homeless People

With One Voice in Montreal: Art and Music Helping Homeless People.

Homeless Tent Camps in Dallas and Churches Using Housing First Tiny Homes and Art to Help People

Dallas Tent Camps and Churches Using Housing First, Tiny Homes, and Art to Help People.

Streetwise Opera at Royal Opera House Made Olympic History

Streetwise Opera at Royal Opera House Made Olympic History