Human trafficking

human trafficking of homeless youth

The Dark Reality of Hotel Vouchers for Homeless Teens

homelessness, disabilities and trafficking

Breaking the Cycle: Disabilities, Homelessness, and the Trafficking Connection

human and sex trafficking

Surviving Trafficking, Facing Homelessness: Helen Stiver’s Story of Resilience

Homeless Youth Are Most Vulnerable to Human Trafficking

Homeless Youth Are Most Vulnerable to Human Trafficking

Covenant House Missouri Feels like Home

Covenant House Missouri Feels like Home

Dr. Karen Countryman Roswurm on The Domestic Labor and Sex Trafficking of Homeless Youth

The Domestic Labor and Sex Trafficking of Homeless Youth

Mark Horvath Interviews Karen Countryman Roswurm Sexual Exploitation Of Homeless Youth

Kansas Human Trafficking and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth

Mark Horvath Interviews Stephanie Bell Homeless Youth Labor and Sex Trafficking

Homeless Youth Labor and Sex Trafficking in America