News About Homelessness

Invisible People is the only nonprofit newsroom dedicated exclusively to the issue of homelessness and related topics. We bring you daily original news on the growing homeless crisis, affordable housing, and the criminalization of homelessness. Join us to explore solutions and stay informed on this urgent issue with our unique coverage.

Young Veterans at greater risk of becoming homeless

The Link Between Disability, Housing, and Homelessness Among Post-9/11 Veterans

Housing Research and Service Director Stephen Metraux, PhD, Discusses the Uphill Battle Young Homeless Veterans Face New data suggests that young soldiers who served in the US military after 2001 are having a drastically more negative experience than soldiers from … Continue reading

The city of Paris where the investment in public housing successfully reduces homelessness

Homelessness and Housing in Iconic International Cities

Indigenous Homelessness in London Ontario Canada

Unmasking London’s Indigenous Homelessness Crisis

Hundreds Protest as SCOTUS hears Grants Pass Case

Hundreds Protest Outside as Supreme Court Hears Grants Pass Case

los angeles homelessness and criminalization

LA’s Battle with Homelessness and Legal Challenges

Criminalizing homelessness hurts communities

Why Criminalizing Homelessness Makes Communities Less Safe

donations distributed outside a migrant shelter in Chicago

Chicago’s Migrant Dilemma: Navigating Shelter Limits and Backlash

Your support can create amazing change

Join the campaign to end homelessness by supporting the only newsroom focused solely on the topic of homelessness. Our original reporting — posted five to seven days a week — can also be found on Apple News and Google News. Through storytelling, education, news, and advocacy, we are changing the narrative on homelessness.

Invisible People is a nonprofit organization. We rely on the support of friends like you — people who understand that well-written, carefully researched stories can change minds about this issue. And that’s what leads to true transformation and policy change. Our writers have their fingers on the pulse of homeless communities. Many are formerly or currently homeless themselves. They are the real experts, passionate about ending homelessness. Your support helps us tell the true story of this crisis and solutions that will end it. Your donations help make history by telling the real story of homelessness to inspire tangible actions to end it.

Your donation, big or small, will help bring real change.