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I met Terra in Toronto, Canada. An outreach nurse who had been helping her connected us. Terra is a wonderful, gorgeous 25-year-old woman who has lived on the streets for 5 months.

Terra tells a very real story about life on the streets. She doesn’t like shelters because she was beaten up in one, so she sleeps on the streets or in parks.

I hope Terra’s story will stay in your heart and mind as it has with me. After this interview, we took her to get some food. She is intelligent and funny, she just needs some extra love and compassion to change her life. The good news is the outreach nurse I was with is filled with that extra love and compassion and will do everything she can to find Terra some help.

Please support all health and medical outreach services in your community.

*** Terra Gardner was hit by a train and killed while still homeless


Special thanks to Anne Marie Batten

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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