Venice Beach Homeless Mom Reunited with Daughter in Project Roomkey

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Watch the video here. Women and children represent one of the fastest-growing groups of the homeless population. Homeless women face different challenges as compared to homeless men. Women are predominantly vulnerable to victimization, sexual assault, and physical violence. As a result, many women are forced to trade themselves for a safe place to sleep. In addition, the pandemic has disproportionately impacted women with drastic increases in domestic violence and evictions. 

Stacy was the lead admissions coordinator for a mental health facility. The work had stretched her thin, and then when COVID happened, her position ended, and her life snowballed into homelessness. Life on the streets living in a tent homeless in Venice Beach is rough, and at one point, Stacy was suicidal. But thoughts of her daughter motivated her to reach out for help. 

Stacy went into the A Bridge Home homeless shelter in Venice Beach, where she received mental health counseling and other badly-needed support. As a result, Stacy was able to get her daughter back, and they are both in Project Roomkey on a path to housing. Once established, Stacy wants to go back to work as a nurse. Stacy is proof that we can end homelessness, but more women still need to be helped. 

Your voice can help end homelessness. If we do not fix the affordable housing crisis, homelessness will continue to get worse. Click here to tweet, email, call, or Facebook your federal and state legislators to tell them ending homelessness and creating more affordable housing is a priority to you.

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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