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Dayna lives in a tent in Los Angeles. She says she was evicted illegally, which is happening all too often anymore.

Danya is 65 years old. I love how even though she is homeless she maintains her sense of style. Dana talks about the challenge of keeping clean every day. She has a bucket and two coolers. One cooler she uses for wash water and the other she uses for her food.

Dayna says the 2nd biggest challenge of homelessness is staying fed. Ice will only last a little while in a cooler, so she has to constantly be purchasing food. Dayna thanks God for the people who come around to give food, clothes, and blankets.

Dayna’s three wishes are 1) more affordable housing 2) for the homeless people to be allowed to camp on the hillside where it’s safe 3) and no more budget cuts!

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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