Helimah’s friend contacted me and asked if I could interview her. The friend said Helimah was going through a rough time living homeless in Los Angeles. Homelessness is challenging, but life on the streets seems to be worsening while at the same time it’s harder to get support to get out of homelessness.
Helimah and I spoke on the phone a few times. Unfortunately, she was in crisis where she was parking and had to move. When she finally found a safe place to park, I drove down to meet her. Helimah is working on getting a Venmo or PayPal. As soon as she does, I will post it here and in the comments.
Helimah has been homeless for almost a year. After her mother died, the landlord doubled rent, so after trying to live with other people, Helimah took her pandemic unemployment money and bought an RV.
One of the biggest challenges of mobile homelessness is finding a safe place to park. One of the biggest challenges for all of us is finding people we can trust, and often homeless people are in survival mode. Helimah found herself in wrong locations connected to people who were gang members or just out for themselves.
Although still in crisis, Helimah has found a better place to park. She can now leave her RV to go fund support and even work if she can find employment.
More on mobile homelessness:
When LIVING IN A CAR is Your Last Choice – “Mobile” a Short Film