Speaking at Link Conference in Peru

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Last November Huffington Post listed me as one of the 11 Twitter Activists You Should Be Following. Little did I know that post would be the connection point to several great people and a speaking gig in Peru

Huff also listed in the same post Stephanie Rudat . Immediately she contacted me wanting to help. A few days later she showed up at PATH Achieve Glendale with donations, and over the last few months she has supported InvisiblePeople.tv with nonstop encouragement.  She is an amazing person.

About a month ago she asked if I would join her and a few others in Peru.  Of course I said yes. Even though I have to take a week off without pay I said yes. You would too! Over the last 14 months I have been saying yes to speaking gigs, most not knowing how I am going to get there, or how I am going to pay my rent after being away. Honest, the first few I said yes to I thought I’d be homeless by the time the date arrived. But I’ve always been a risk taker, so saying “yes” was the better solution. Heck, if I ended up homeless the promoters couldn’t find me to complain.

I’ve been excited about speaking in Peru at the Link Conference, yet it didn’t hit me until a few nights ago when the itinerary arrived.  I was completely overwhelmed with gratitude and in awe any of this is happening.  Then, I read the list of speakers, and I am honored to be included with genuine world changers. Check out the list of speakers and their bios . Come on now! Me on that list!!! When I read it I sat here blown away for so long it felt like time stopped.

I knew Invisiblepeople.tv would go international at some point. There has been talk about Australia or Ireland, but South America was never on my radar. I am so grateful. Yes, I will be taking a camera and hope to bring back a few stories. But even more important, I pray that there is something in my message that will inspire the young leaders of Peru to affect real change.

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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