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“On the streets, you don’t wish for things. You just wait from them to happen. Because you cannot control really anything”, EJ responded trying to think of a second and third wish.

EJ is homeless in Hollywood. He is 18, and when he told me he has been homeless for 11 years, I could not even comprehend to do the math. (I’m a drummer and drummers can’t count past 4 anyway)

I cannot even imagine being on the streets at such a young age. I once interviewed a kid in Wichita homeless at 5 years old. I know how horrible my first day homeless was as an adult, so my heart breaks thinking about what these kids must of done through. But to them, the streets was better than the abuse they were going through.

We will never end homelessness until we can fix families!

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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