When I look at Gina’s face, I see a strong, caring woman, who has done her best to survive in a strange world. I see years of pain, yet a personal strength to still look for hope.
I met Gina in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. In my two days there my heart was broken for the aboriginal people. My hotel was on the block known as the worst block in the city. It’s called that because our aboriginal homeless friends hang out at all hours of the day and night. I would look out of my window, or when I walked down the street myself, and see white people, middle-class white people – my people – my culture, just walk by as if the aboriginal culture didn’t even exist. Aboriginal people in Yellowknife, and I am sure in other communities, are truly an invisible people.
Gina reminds me of my grandmother. My grandmother came from Eastern Europe and never really adapted to Western culture. She was a wonderful woman who was always honest and would tell it like it is. Gina is gorgeous, and she is being honest about how her people are good people and ignored by many of us.
Gina is a religious person, and every day in her morning prayers, she cries that her people will find a home. I know my heart now cries out in agreement with her.