Greg and Latisha

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Greg and Latisha met a little over 4 years ago and fell in love. They have lived together and supported each other ever since. Greg and Latisha are homeless on the streets of Detroit. They have slept outside without shelter even in the coldest winters. That’s a very special kind of love.

Greg has been homeless for around eight years. He was locked up for eleven years and the streets were his only choice after being released. Except for a year that Greg did on misdemeanor charges for failure to appear in court, he has lived on the streets homeless.

Latisha has been on the streets for five years. Prior to this interview, Latisha was picking on me. She started calling me “Tom Cruise’s grandfather”, which I took as a compliment and kinda not. We had a good time laughing. Even in the harsh realities of homelessness, Greg and Latisha do their best to smile and stay positive.

I can’t imagine how cold it gets in Detriot during the winter. I was shocked when Greg and Latisha told me they still sleep outside all year! One of the reasons is most homeless services do not allow couples to stay in their shelters. For Greg and Latisha, splitting up is not an option!

Special thanks to Street Medicine Detroit 

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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