This is the homeless you don’t see but need to see. I met Marlo in a weekly rate hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The whole family, two adults and four children, live in a small hotel room.
Marlo says there are days she does not even want to wake up, but her children keep her going. From hotel to hotel then shelter to hotel and back. Families with low and no income get caught in a vicious cycle of nonstop crisis.
One thing Marlo says in this interview I hope you hear loud and clear. She is trying to potty train her youngest kids early because diapers are so expensive. My friend Lisa, who founded Help a Mother Out, educated me on how social assistance doesn’t pay for diapers. Later when I started working with homeless families I saw first-hand how badly low-income families need diapers. Marlo mentions she was almost arrested for panhandling trying to get diapers for her children. Please support your local diaper bank and click here to support the Diaper Act.
Special thanks to Joy Junction