Success Story: Formerly Homeless Teen Josh Jacobs Becomes First Round Pick in the NFL

Josh Jacobs

Anyone who’s ever survived an unstable living situation knows what a disheartening experience it can be. It’s easy to feel like giving up, especially when it feels as if the world has given up on you. Yet, what we need to remember is that sometimes the top of the ladder is mere inches from the bottom of the barrel.

Homeless success stories happen each and every day. Some of them happen on a seemingly small scale, by way of an individual masterfully overcoming homelessness (which is actually a huge, admirable feat). Still, others happen on the world’s stage as a wake-up call to those who need and deserve the daily inspiration.

In the past, formerly homeless iconic figures have included big names like:

  • Jim Carrey
  • Jewel
  • Steve Harvey
  • Steve Jobs
  • Hillary Swank
  • Halle Berry
  • Dr. Phil
  • And Tyler Perry who was homeless sporadically for a six-year duration

The list goes on and will continue to do so.

One of the newest names to add to the list of formerly homeless now mega-stars is that of Raiders running back Josh Jacobs, who shared his incredibly personal tale of homelessness in The Players Tribune. The piece reads like a diary entry and hits like a running back, tackling the heart in unexpected places. Perhaps the most gut-wrenching part of the tale is the downs that always follow the ups; those times when Josh and his family almost grasped their dream of having a place to call home, only to have that dream come crashing down yet again.

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Josh Jacob’s Tale Exemplifies Family Homelessness

We all know the numbers. Families account for 33% of all homeless people in the USA. A surplus of more than 56,000 households were documented as homeless in 2018 alone. More than half of homeless children are under six years old and so forth … When we read these stats, they’re just words on a page. But when we see them in action, running down a football field, pulling off 12 minutes worth of touchdowns in a single game, suddenly these numbers are given life.

When speaking on his family’s time transitioning from motel room to motel room and sometimes living in their car, it is with high praise that this NFL hero recounts stories of his dad. What we learn from this biography is that Josh Jacob’s father didn’t become homeless by being an addict or a criminal of any kind. Rather, his father became homeless by refusing to give into the temptation to engage in criminal activity in order to feed, clothe, and shelter his family. His father refused to become the portrait the public so often paints of homeless people. Even in hardship, this homeless dad instilled values so lucrative that they eventually led his son to super-stardom, as the first-round pick in the NFL this year.

Not Hardship, Just Life, Proclaims Josh Jacobs, Formerly a Homeless Public-School Student

Many people are unaware of the fact that one in ten public school children in New York City will have to seek refuge in a homeless shelter at some point in their lives.

These are the facts. Student homelessness is on the rise. For Josh Jacobs, the stint of homelessness started when he was in the fourth grade. This is a tender age for anyone. But for this future NFL star, it was just the life he knew. He describes how his family “basically lived out of our backpacks, hopping from motel to motel”. This happened even after they thought they had secured housing, only to experience the unexpected blow of unemployment. In fact, it wasn’t until Josh Jacobs reached eighth grade that his family finally got off the streets and found a humble place to call their home.

The fact that Josh Jacobs’ dad was able to overcome homelessness without undermining his family values is a victory in and of itself. Somehow though, this story gets even better.

As of April, 2019, the Oakland Raiders Selected Josh Jacobs in the First Round of the 2019 NFL Draft

The 220-pound running back has long been admired by draft analysts, coaches, and fans alike. Prior to his latest achievement, this star was already making headlines after being named SEC Championship Game MVP in December of 2018. He’s made a point of mentioning that he never saw football as a way of escaping his harsh upbringing or of taking his frustrations out. He stated simply that his love of the game was the ultimate driving force.

Perseverance Equals Success

Homelessness can seem a dark and lonely path, but the real lesson in this success story is one of perseverance. No matter what the future holds for this buzzworthy new celeb, his perseverance is what really makes him a number one pick. When life becomes a barrage of bullets firing into the atmosphere, as it seems it often was for Josh Jacobs, keeping focus on the ball will eventually lead you to the win. We need to bear in mind that things like surviving homelessness, escaping homelessness, and not letting homelessness undercut morality are all success stories in their own right. Cheers to Josh Jacobs for being brave enough to share his personal experience. We never know how our broken pieces might complete somebody else’s puzzle.

Talk to Your Legislators About Family Homelessness

Family homelessness is an ever-increasing problem sweeping across the nation. While this story is inspirational, there are many homeless families being ripped apart right now. Talk to your legislators about the 33% and remember that homeless families should get to stay together. More importantly, they should get to stay together in a home.

Cynthia Griffith

Cynthia Griffith


Cynthia Griffith is a freelance writer dedicated to social justice and environmental issues.

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